But as great an impact as Punk Rock and Trailer Parks had on me, My Friend Dahmer will easily be his standout work. It's a personal memoir as well as a fractional biography of Jeffrey Dahmer predating his first murder. Derf has a lot of personal connections to the story, but went beyond it, doing his homework, researching the interviews and calling up old class mates and teachers to ensure that recollections were validated and accurate as much as possible. In an extensive Notes section at the back, Derf clarifies the sources of information, provides some behind-the-scenes information, and owns up to any liberties or assumptions made in the making of the book.
But the story itself is at once a memoir of young men in the late-70's and a contrasting portrait of a serial killer in the making. They're not mutually exclusive, however, and Derf ponders how people slip through life, unnoticed, the damage mounting, their inner demons taking over. Here his portrait of Dahmer is sympathetic to a point, but distanced at the same time. Dahmer was all too aware of his own dark urges and sought to fend them off with alcohol and a fascination with roadkill, but Derf and his circle of friends were never close enough with him to identify any problems, or conscious enough of mental illnesses to know that he needed help. There's a lot of "what if moments" which in hindsight seem so clear, but as Derf invests you in the time and era, it's so obvious how it all played out under the radar.
It's a fascinating book, not nearly what I was expecting, but I'm not actually sure what I should have expected. It's more sad than depressing, Dahmer quotes his own tale as "a sick, pathetic, miserable life story, that's all it is." That about sums it up.
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