One of my fondest memories as a child was finding five WHOLE dollars on the ground in a supermarket.
Yes, as a child, when you're paying for everything in cuteness and smiles, five dollars to you, is five WHOLE dollars.
What did I do with this five dollars? What I wanted to do was pull a Daffy Duck and do like he did to Bugs Bunny when they found a magic lamp. I wanted to beat the hell out of my father and run away screaming,
"MINE! MINE! MINE! I'M A RICH AND FILTHY MISER," all covered in gold chains while sitting on a huge ass diamond.
What happened, in actuality, was he asked me what I wanted to do with the money. After some debate, the answer was clear.

Comic books.
But where was I to buy some? Here I was, miles away in North Carolina, a hundredy-billion miles away from my local drugstore in Washington, DC and as far as I knew, all they ever sold in North Carolina was tobacco and salted pork products. What was a city boy to do?
Dejected, we approached the checkout aisle, my father getting whatever it was that old guy's got while his son had five WHOLE dollars burning a hole in his little pocket and then, I was rescued.
Superman. Batman. Adam Strange. Deadman. DC Comics' superheroes. All in one place, the checkout aisle.
What I was seeing wasn't what I was used. With that I was introduced to the world of The DC Digest. I found hope in that checkout aisle. My summer had been saved.
I'd been introduced to the DC Universe proper.
Now, the things that struck me were many. The Batman presented within the digest was radically different from the Batman of the live action TV series I loved and that Batman was sort of different than The Batman I knew from the Super Friends cartoon I loved to watch.
Upon further examination
(buying more comics) I discovered something awesome: each and every Batman was simply, Batman.
Somehow, after spending years with a
live-action Batman who carried around a Bat-Alphabet Soup Decoder in his Bat-Utility Belt, I was somehow able to reconcile that
the somewhat high-pitched voiced guy who hung out with Wendy, Marvin & Wonderdog was Batman, as well. Now, imagine how my mind must have felt as I encountered a Batman who hid in shadows and lived for the fear in a criminal's eyes.
I was hooked and I loved them all, equally.
Today, I don't know if this could happen. DC, for too long ,has clung to the notion that any new reader will become confused by differing takes on their characters. Supposedly, you can't have a swingin' 60's Titans one-shot on the comic racks while a cartoon series called Teen Titans is on the air.
Might confuse the kids.
Kids who might have five WHOLE dollars to spend.
What I propose is that we un-confuse them and actually give them something to think about.
BRING BACK THE DC DIGEST.DC, bring them back and let people
(re)discover your comics, your heroes.
Put them back into the supermarket checkout aisles.

Put some of the better stories of the year in digest form, regardless of
where they came from. Start a digest with
Tiny Titans in the same digest as
Justice Society of America #26, you know, the one where Stargirl has a birthday party. It was a good comic, one written by that Geoff Johns guy you're so high on.
DO a Batman digest spanning the many facets of
The Batman. Include a
Golden Age Batman & Robin story with The Joker, include a
Silver Age Batman story where he visits far off planets and wears Batman rainbow-inspired costumes. Throw in an issue of the original Brave and The Bold where he teams up with
The Metal Men. Throw in a
Kelly Puckett/Mike Parobeck Batman Adventures comic inspired by the 90's Batman cartoon series and for God's sake, throw in an
in-continuity Batman story. Heck, even have a cover where all of these Batmen are interacting together sorta like you did with that one Catwoman trade paperback that came out around the time of the Catwoman movie. Do it with Batman, though. People will care, then.
Take a step back and be small. Show the world what you're made of.
Don't underestimate yourselves. Start treating your universe as if a kid would wanna spend his five WHOLE dollars on it.