I am at one with the source.
I was never that great with a sword but a gun? Yeah, I'm pretty good, actually.
I rarely play games but will happily take home the prize.
I used to jump at every window of opportunity.
Today, I claim self-reliance as an attribute.
Answer is: LOIS LANE (guessed by Jon Hex)
Serifan of the Forever People? He's the only New God (at one with the Source) who wields a six-shooter with comsic cartridges (and is a handy shot).
Wow, really good guess but not who I was aiming for.
No pun intended.
By the way, my word verification was "cocrock."
How awesome!
Dick Grayson?
@ Jon
Nope. Not the one.
Dag, this one's tough, yo. I was thinking Wildcat at first but I know that's not right. Now I'm thinking either the Shadow or the Spirit... Or some other 40's era pul hero
@ Graig
Not Wildcat.
They're just as much fun, though.
Tim Drake
I wanna guess Adam Strange.
Good with a gun, but occasionally wields a cutlass.
"Goes home with the prize" - Alanna was his "reward" for being the Rannian's hero.
"Jumps at every window of opportunity" - the Zeta Beam's periodic nature.
Very good guess but the one.
Slight clue; it wouldn't be impossible to see Strange and this character to interact.
Lois Lane
Show my work:
She's married to Superman.
Trained by general father
Pulitzer Prize
To interview Superman
Has to blog now because General Lane blacklisted her
Oh, she has a reporter's sources. Missed that one.
Jon Hex for the win!
I'm gonna start giving out prizes. Seriously.
Also the "sword" reference was meant as in "The pen is mightier than the sword."
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