On the ground, bystanders look to the heavens, wiping away the droplets filling their eyes, trying their best to get a better view of the battle raging above their heads.

Just as suddenly, the sound of the rain is all there is.
A winged figure, quietly, hurtles to the ground below and above, there is a victor.
So, Second Printers, the question's a simply one: HAWKMAN or ARCHANGEL?
Hawkman wins, using a big-assed mace.
Hawkman, no question.
Are we kidding ourselves??
1 is a shirtless dude w/ wings that swings a mace, albeit in bad-assed fashion... & the other is a genetically altered ANGEL OF DEATH! Whose wing flechettes are poison-tipped!... & he has freakin' homicidal tendencies!?
I mean, Really? Hawkman's tough & all, but he's got exposed skin & a mace to pulp w/... Archy would slice him to ribbons in 10-12 minutes tops.
Sorry DCU'ers but i'm just being realistic here.
"Realistic"? What is this "realistic" you speak of? Everyone knows comics work according to the Rule of DRAMA.
So, shirtless dude with wings and mace, hands down.
Warren Worthless-ington in "genetically altered Angel of death" costume is still a monkey in a suit.
Hawkman, however is BAD all the way through....
Being DC or Marvel has nothing to do with it. It has everything to do with ANGEL being a big pussy.
Hawkman has a thousand years of being a bad-ass to draw from. Archangel only like three.
Advantage: Reincarnation
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