Because, I have!
Just got done reading Wednesday Comics #1 and man...
This is what reading comics is supposed to feel like.
Was it the strong noir Azzarello/Risso Batman opener or was it Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner reaching inside my mind and giving me the Supergirl I'd always hoped for? Was it the awesome Super-Pets cameo?
Or is the scope that the over-sized newspaper layout allows for a Paul Pope illustrated jet-pack wearin' Adam Strange?
Was it Neil Gaiman and Mike Allred threatening to put nitrogen on Metamorpho's love, Sapphire Stagg's giant clam?
Or was it the brilliant use of genre-hopping and coloring in Karl Kerschl's Flash and...
Quite frankly, one of the least likely and brilliantly obvious co-features EVER.
Or maybe, it was, as any "Seven Hells!" reader could tell you, it was writer/artist Kyle Baker's fantastic storytelling involving this guy:

Wednesday Comics gives you all the more reason to look forward to Wednesday's comics.
What was your favorite Wednesday Comics strip?
honestly, I loved Jose Louis Garcia Lopez and Kevin Knowlan's 70's garbed Metal Men in a *gasp* Dan DiDio written story. How can that be?
Definitely Supergirl if only because Amanda Conner is my favourite artist working today. That said, the Gaiman/Alread Metamorpho had me giggling like a schoolgirl.
In fact, the only one I found disappointing was Wonder Woman if only because I found it kinda hard to read.
Batman was my fave of the bunch -- the mood it set was absolutely chilling.
I can't say because the format blows. I bought it last Wednesday and haven't read it yet.
I read comics in two places: on the Metro and home in bed before nodding off.
Guess what giant format is a pain in the ass in both those places?
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