Yeah, I know I'm doing a terrible job at keeping this daily and that writing most of the posts in my smart phone is creating type-ohs and formatting errors a plenty. Sigh. There really isn't enough time to do everything nevermind just doing some things right. Bah. Plus, I just loaded Vine [user: geekent] onto the ol' phone and am fascinated by it. Another time suck..
Anyway, Batman and Robin, or rather Batman and Bellyachin'... I'm really not enjoying grim asshole "I hate you all cause my son is dead and I/ you are not" Batman and didn't intend to pick up this series anymore but for some reason did so today and put it at the top of my pile. I'm still genuinely disliking grumpy Batman but Pete Tomasi really has a nice handle on Barbara... whose intentions are good but her approach vector is way off.
Cliff Richards art here I don't like at times but really like in other panels. He sometimes has an Alan Davis sensibility, but then it could be one of the inkers (Mark Irwin or Marlo Aquiza) has a Mark Farmer sensibiIity.
Why did you put this on my to-read pile? You know my anti-Barbara Gordon-as-Batgirl stance...
You almost got Barbara Gordon as not-Batgirl!
I can accept grumpy Batman as a believable development, but I don't like him either. When Damian comes back from the dead (my fingers remain crossed) this series can return to normal, or something, I hope.
I unfortunately think that DC's intent on this Carrie-as-Robin thing (hence the Barbara-as-Robin pondering this issue, preparing us for girl Robin, or "Robyn"). Of course, it's all setting up the Crisis of Infinite Robins event of 2014.
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