Thursday, June 6, 2013

365 Comics...156: The Steam Engines of Oz #1 (2013)

I submitted my review for the Steam Engines of Oz for Thor's Comic Column last Friday morning, and not 10 hours later I was flipping through my Flipboard to see that the Steam Engines of Oz is Kickstarting for an OGN which seems to have already have met its goal.  It would appear that the series is only lasting 3 issues (or 4, with the Free Comic Book Day issue) before it's collected, and the OGN is picking up where it left off.

It's good news, I think, since I found the first two books quite enjoyable (small issues around the art, but hopefully with a full graphic novel's worth of work, those kinks will get ironed out).

Yeah, I'm on an Oz kick this year.  Don't expect it to slow any time soon.

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