I recall noticing Priest's turn-of-the-millennium work at Marvel. I was reading mostly trades then, and I actually did pick up the first two trades of Black Panther, and have been waiting ever since for more (none ever materialized). When the Crew hit, again I was just starting to buy floppies again, but I was still massively in debt, and there was a $1.50 disparity between Canadian and US cover at the time...even today a $3.99 cover price gives me pause (it's the reason why I'm trade waiting on the Hickman Avengers series), but back in 2003, the $4 cover price made me choose my comics very judiciously. I also still wasn't much of a Marvel fan so a book centered around Rhodey (who, to be honest, I'm not certain I had read a comic with him in it to that point) seemed an easy pass. Priest did Captain America and the Falcon following the Crew with Bart Sears, who was one of my artistic heroes in the 90's so I was looking at it closely, but gave it a miss ultimately, because, again, I'm wasn't much into Marvel.
Now, for me and comics, it's not about the characters, or the company/universe so much as it's about the storyteller, and whether I like someone's point of view. And I dig Priest's POV. So, I'm starting to stock up on what I missed when I find them at the 50 Cent club (see 365 Comics #66) . Compiling runs of Cap and Falcon, Black Panther, Quantum and Woody, and now Crew are now on my mission radar. I'm not a religious man, but I realized a little more Priest in my life is not a bad thing.
[I should note that although the title on the cover quite clearly says "THE CREW", the actual title of the series is listed as "CREW" sans the "THE". Weird.]
[UPDATE: Just posted Mar 21:
Looks like Quantum and Woody are coming back. I'm going to be *very* disappointed if Preist is not attached. However if they reprint the original Q&W series in trades and that puts $ in Priest's pocket, then I'm all over those.)
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