Batman: The Return #1 and Batman Incorporated #1 - Two peas of the same pod, you can't read one without the other (whoah, analogy break). Batman: The Return isn't so much about welcoming Bruce Wayne back to the fold, but instead establishing the new status quo as Bruce hands out his marching orders, and thus the new direction for the bat books. As much as what went on previous was a grand orchestration, it is, at this point, irrelevant, and, to Grant Morrison's credit, he truly makes this a fresh start. So if you'd missed "RIP" and Final Crisis and Return of Bruce Wayne and Batman and Robin and all the other bits in-between, it doesn't matter. All aboard, enjoy the ride. First stop, Tokyo.
Green Lantern #59 - oh, hooray, two dull, should-still-be-dead heroes having an argument and, in typical Geoff John's fashion, bluntly laying out the character traits of one another in a conversational manner like noone ever does. And Barry keeps a wallet in his tights? How does that work without lumping?
Legion of Super-Heroes #7 - Two stories. In the first, Tyroc shows off some new abilities as Durlans attack. Murder mystery solved. In the second, Brainiac 5 has trouble with his time bubble and Paul Levitz must have said Candlejack while writing the script, because that was as abrupt an end to a chapter as I've seen.

X-Factor #211 - after last month's interlude, it's nice to get the story back on track. Every issue PAD gives the reader at least one capital-m Moment., Madrox's plebs-eye-view of Thor is definitely it this issue.
GI Joe/Cobra #10 - Oh, I'm so glad to see Antonio Fuso back, but I should probably admit that when the first G.I. Joe/Cobra mini-series came out I wasn't too enthused by his work. But I can honestly say that it sometimes takes a bad artist to make you appreciate a good one. Also, nice to see the return to Chuckles' story after four issues of meandering around the Cobra/Serpentor cult, which was interesting but overlong.
Sixth Gun #6 - I could tell that this series was barrelling towards a sixth-issue conclusion (makes sense afterall), but I kept noticing that there was never an "of 6" on the cover, which implied that it wasn't just a six issue limited series. Given that there's a 7th issue cover printed in the back, I'm super-excited that Sixth Gun is continuing on, but I should also say that this issue is a definite end to the current storyline and it is a fantastically orchestrated, totally widescreen battle. Dapper caps off to Misters Bunn and Hurtt. Monocle Smile.

Warlord of Mars #2 - Oh, get to Mars already John Carter. (Note: I'm pretty sure he'll be there next issue).
It Came From Beside The Bed
Classic G.I. Joe Volume 9 - for all the ham and cheese that this series seemed to revel in, every so often Larry Hama delivered an honest gourmet sandwich of an issue - a turkey breast with pancetta, arugula, asiago and garlic aioli spread oasis amidst the mountain of cheap if satisfyingly salty pressed pig and Kraft singles. This volume actually features three of the best tales from the series, including "Weeding Out" (perhaps the best of the series?), "SFX" (a redux of the infamous "Silent Interlude" wordless issue #21) and, though lesser so, "Not Fade Away" anniversary issue which brings in the original G.I. Joe (and G.I. Jane) and puts them amidst a rather entertaining heist plot. I should say there's a rather dire clunker or two in the midst of the usual bologna outside of these three, and the art is a wild ride from the fantastic (but perhaps ill-suited) Marshall Rogers, to the oversimplified Tony Salmons, to surprise work from M.D. Bright (whom, it would seem, took over as regular artist, and will handle the bulk of the art in Volume 10 and 11)
New Acquisitions, Future "It Came From Beside the Bed" fodder
Grant Morrison's 18 Days HC - less a comic and more an art and process book looking at Morrison's proposed (in-the-works?) animated project based off eastern folklore. I like Morrison, I'm interested in process, and this think looks really, really pretty. I'm going to have trouble with the character names though, I can tell you that much off the bat.
DC Comics Presents: Batman #2 - A quartet of Ed Brubaker-penned Batman tales from around 7 years ago for 8 bucks. Sure, why not.
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