DC Comics
Green Lantern Titles - with the exception of the main GL title I've been avoiding these. I read Green Lantern almost solely out of appreciation for Doug Mahnke's artwork (see also Nicola Scott on Teen Titans), but there isn't even a new issue solicited for August (likely due to Johns' busywork on Flashpoint?). My eyebrow doesn't even twitch at the pairing of Guy Gardner and Batman in August's "Emerald Warriors".
Flashpoint 4-5 - "IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of its impact on the DC Universe, FLASHPOINT #5 is the only title that DC Comics is soliciting in this catalogue to arrive in stores on August 31."
This almost makes me want to read it... almost... but then I remember that EVERY even book has promised to impact the DCU in major ways, and they rarely ever do.
Other Flashpoint Titles - Skip. Not even going to bother reading the solicit text. Don't care. Skip.

It's also curious to me why Ron Randall is handling art on the 80's JLA Retroactive, same as Sergio Cariello on the 80's Superman Retroactive, and Mike Bowden on the 90's Flash Retroactive. None of these artists are representative of those books or the eras. I'm not even sure who Mike Bowden is. I'm quite excited to see Louise Simonson and Jon Bogdanove on Superman again. Bogdanove's style was eccentric but by the time they finished their work on Man of Steel and Steel, I was a firm supporter. Other awesome returns, Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle on 90's Batman and Bill Loebs on both 80's Flash (Loeb's Flash was '88-'92, but I guess getting Cary Bates and Carmine Infantino together for a pre-Crisis 80's Flash reunion was out of the question?) and 90's Wonder Woman.
Detective Comics #881 - wait, what? "the extra-sized conclusion of the acclaimed run by Scott Snyder, Jock and Francesco Francavilla." Great Hera, why? As much as I've enjoyed Morrison's Batman stuff, Snyder's 'Tec has been absolutely incredible Batman. DC doesn't often capitalize of their Vertigo talent (Marvel tends to steal them away) but this was a masterstroke. They should keep this gang together until at least issue 900.
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #10 - To be honest, I was expecting this to be the last issue ('specially since issue 7 came out this week and still doesn't have a letters column, which either means they're so far ahead in their production schedule that they couldn't accommodate it yet or it's not going to be around long enough to start one. See also Xombi. I'm happy "this ain't the end -- not by a long shot".

Night Force HC - At last! Because YOU demanded it... didn't you? Because I didn't...
Showcase Presents: All-Star Comics Vol.1 - me and comics from the 1970's don't get along very well. I want to like them but I find them frequently difficult, cheesy, patronizing and unreadable. But 448 pages of Earth 2 insanity from Paul Levitz and Gerry Conway for $20 bucks, sold!
The New York Five TP - I knew I didn't need to buy the floppies. Good ol' predictable Vertigo.
Batman Black and White Statue By Sergio Aragones - Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha

Marvel Comics
Fear Itself - If it's not obvious by now, I'm a DC guy more than a Marvel guy and since I generally avoid all Marvel's event books nearly everything with a "Fear Itself" tag I'm skipping. Even though I really dig Cullen Bunn's work (his awesome Superman/Batman story Sorcerer Kings wrapped up this week and is collected in HC in August), I'm not getting The Deep nor am I getting Homefront despite my general affinity for Speedball. I'll probably get Herc in TPB just as I did the entire Incredible Hercules run.
Ultimate Fallout/Hawkeye/Ultimates - I'm enjoying pretty much everything Jonathan Hickman and Nick Spencer are writing these days so I should really check this out, despite the fact that I haven't read an "Ultimate" book since Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine and don't care so much (or at all) about the Ultimate universe.

Amazing Spider-Man/Spider Island - It's been quite a few years now since Dan Slott became sort of the key guy on Spider-Man and I've been meaning to check out some of his stuff (is the Spider-Man: Infested collection solicited this month a good read?), but then it all comes back to the fact that I don't really like Spider-Man all that much that keeps me away.

Secret Avengers #16 - Warren Ellis? Jamie McKelvie? Sold. Wait. $3.99? Waiting for trade!
Captain America and Bucky #621/Captain America #2 - Brubaker's Cap is still going strong and an incredible read but this reminds me of that one time I was playing blackjack and winning, and got cocky and so I started playing two hands at once and very quickly lost everything (fake money thankfully). I'm worry there's not enough Cap juice in Bru's tank for two Cap monthlies.
X-Men/Iron Man/Thor - skip.skip.skip. The X-universe, despite having some writers I like on books in there, is just far too convoluted for me to wade into. Iron Man, outside of the movies, never really sustained my interest much (I like Ellis, Fraction, Nick Spencer but not enough to read Iron Man regularly). Thor... Thor... What is it good for? Absolutely nothin', say it again. Thor bores the tits off me.

The Punisher #1 & #2 - Big Guns Greg Rucka and Mark Chichetto (who?) take on Marvel's bad-ass vigilante. I know the Punisher has his fans, but personally it seems like after reading one Punisher story, you kind of read them all. If Rucka can shoehorn in some political conspiracy or clandestine organizations, however, it could be fun...I'll wait for the reviews to come in.
Mystery Men #4 - every time I see this I think of the Bob Burden Flaming Carrot spinoff and get a little disappointed I'm not going to see new adventures of Mr. Furious, the Spleen et. al. But even still, this looks kind of nifty.
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 - Yay, S.H.I.E.L.D. is back.
X-Statix Omnibus - $125. 1200 pages. How does one read a 1200 page omnibus. One runs the risk of having their chest crushed if they fall asleep reading in bed. Anyway, X-Statix was pretty awesome, for its time. I wonder if it still holds up.
Image Comics

The Infinite #1 - Uh oh... Liefeld's back. Shoulder armor. Check. Thigh-belts. Check. Pouches. Check. Absence of feet. Check. It feels like 1991 all over again.
Malinky Robot: Collected Stories and Other Bits TP - I have some of this stuff from old Slave Labor printings, but Sonnie Liew is a damn phenomenal artist and his work is worth buying twice.
Morning Glories Vol. 2 TP - after reading the first volume I've been patiently waiting for this, resisting the siren call of the monthly floppies. So close, yet still so far away.

50 Girls 50 #3 Girls + Frank Cho= ... What? Cho's writing and not drawing? Why? WHY?
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